Homestar Runner Fanstuff Wiki


(Sony logo shows, then Columbia Pictures logo shows, then Sony Pictures Animation logo shows, and then Videlectrix Films logo shows)

Homestar Runner (on the set, talking to Strong Bad): I've been a Flash guy all of my life, and now it's finally gonna happen. I'm gonna be on the big screen. Now that it's finally gonna happen, I'm gonna just go on the director's seat, and-

Strong Bad: Homestar, you're thinking, I dunno, possibly... uhhhh... Goodnight Kiwi?

Homestar: Oh.

King of Town: Alright! Places, everybody, everybody! Lights! 

Homestar: It's gonna happen.

KOT: Camera!

Homestar: Oh, boy.

KOT: Action! Start the opening credits!


Credits: columbia pictures presents

in association with lstar capital

a sony pictures animation film

the homestar movie

matt chapman

missy palmer

jerry seinfeld

lance robertson

and many other voices

produced by dan lin

directed by phil lord and christopher miller

screenplay by michael lesieur

and based on you know who

(Snap to black, then iris in on Homestar's face)

Homestar: Hooomeeestaaarr is running. Along. Hoooo- (roblox death sound) Ow.

Lappiest: (Macintosh sound effect)

Homestar: The Lappiest? It's more lappy than the Lappy 486 and the Lappier! Combined!

Write the rest, fellas!
